Ten years ago craft beer was a new thing to Indians. The number of people drinking beer in India was limited, and even those who preferred the drink had limited choices. Having beer was also not seen as a popular drink for hangouts.
Now in big cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Pune beer has emerged as the popular drink among millennials and Gen-Zers. Having a beer after a day of busy work is common nowadays. In cities like Delhi, Bangalore, and Mumbai, craft beer is like coffee for youngsters and people working in the corporate sector.
The growth of craft beer in India has been rapid, and the number of best microbrewery set up company in India is on a steady rise. Like many of our neighbors —including South Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand —India has seen a spike in craft beer sales in recent years.
For a long, long time, the Indian beer market was dominated by regular commercial beers. In recent years, the palette of beer lovers in India has expanded to include microbrews. India is one of the world’s biggest markets for beer, even though the per capita consumption is far low compared to other Asian countries like China. The volume of beer sales has increased nearly two-fold times from 2010 to 2016, and today it’s valued at Rs. 41,000 crores.
In this number, craft beer sales represent around 650 crores of sales. The craft beer industry in India is seen to grow at around 20 to 30% per year. This rise is in spite of several regulations imposed by various state governments. Some cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Pune had relaxed regulations from the beginning, while states like Gujarat, Manipur, and Nagaland are facing its trouble in the rise of microbreweries and craft beer.
Reasons for the Growth of Craft Beer in India
One primary reason is the change in perception and mindset of beer consumption. Beer has emerged as a way to unwind after a long day. Millennials and Gen-Zers prefer beer compared to hard liquors. With plenty of flavors and styles, craft beer is steadily climbing in popularity.
With that said, the craft beer industry in India is still at a nascent stage, and microbreweries in India have a long, long way to go. The industry requires consistent support from the government to flourish.
It is to be mentioned that the spirit and passion of young entrepreneurs are what has made the craft beer industry, what it is today. And not to forget beer drinkers who are looking to experiment. In cities like Bengaluru, Gurgaon, and Pune, consumers have accepted the craft beer culture with open arms.
With that said, the future of the craft beer industry in the country is brighter than ever before. And, the time is right for enterprising and dynamic individuals with a passion for brewing to step into space.
If you’re interested, schedule a visit to our showroom in Delhi. We have the widest range of equipment in the industry and have helped several leading Brewpub Equipment get started. From procuring the required licenses to setting up your plant, from training staff to help you craft your unique recipes, we handle it all.
So, what are you waiting for? Make use of the growth of the industry and get started on your profitable venture.